Detecting Greenhouse Gases: Key Wavelengths and Optical Technologies
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are a significant driver of global warming, making their detection and monitoring critical for environmental protection and climate change mitigation. Understanding the specific wavelengths at which these gases absorb infrared radiation helps in designing effective detection systems.
Lithographically patterned fiber bundles for in-vivo Raman spectroscopy
Presented at SPIE BiOS, 2022 Proceedings Volume 11953, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment and Environmental Applications XXII; 119530G (2022)
Omega has a record-breaking first quarter!
Omega Optical, LLC had it's best year ever in 2021, followed by a record-breaking quarter 1, 2022 and our highest shipping month in history (March)! We are well on our way to crushing our 2021 records in 2022! To celebrate,
Interference filters deposited on optical fiber tips
.J.B. Barton, S.K. Chanda, S.A. Locknar and G.E. Carver “Interference filters deposited on optical fiber tips”, Proc. SPIE 11889, Optifab 2021, 1188901 (28 October 2021);
Fiber bundles with integrated bandpass and notch filters for in-vivo Raman spectroscopy
Proc. SPIE 11233, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical DIagnostics and Treatment Applicaitons XX, 112230S (2020)
Hyperspectral imaging using a linear variable filter (LVF) based ultra-compact camera
Proc. SPIE 11287, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VII;1128715 (2020)
Ultra-narrow bandpass optical interference filters for deep space optical communication
Proc. SPIE 10524, Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXX, 1052416 (2018) doi:10.1117/12.2290753
Advanced window coatings for drone and ground based applications
Proc. SPIE 10985, Window and Drone Technologies and Materials XVI, 1098512 (2019)
Ultraviolet Filters- Past and Present
Robert L. Johnson and Sarah Locknar; reprinted from the 2019 issue of Photonics Handbook, Laurin Publishing