Innovation Award accepted by Omega Optical
August 4, 2024, Ayer, MA: Deep Ultra-violet (DUV) Transmission Gratings, especially those which transmit wavelength below 300nm were previously the domain of expensive Etched Fused Silica Gratings. No Longer! Omega Optical has introduced our patent-pending transmissive grating which uniquely transmits wavelengths below 200nm
Life Science Capability Information
Omega Optical, Inc. is an innovator in the field of photonics, located in Brattleboro, Vermont. Founded in 1969 by Robert Johnson D.Sc.. Omega has been producing filters for fluoerescence since the 1970! We have the experience and the technology to
How much OD do you actually need for Flow Cytometry?
In this technical note, we will go through an example of how to determine the blocking level needed in a typical flow-cytometer system.
Coated Fiber Tips for Optical Instrumentation
Proc. SPIE 9754, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering III, 97540D (March 16, 2016);
Multispectral Flow Cytometry with a Single-Element Detector
submitted to J.Phys.:Conf. Ser. (in press, 2017);
Multispectral Flow Cytometry using Serial Fiber Arrays and a Single-Element Detector
32nd Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, Boston, MA; poster B259 (2017);
Multi-channel Imaging Cytometry with a Single Detector
Proc. SPIE 10505, High Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy III: Toward Big Data Instrumentation and Management, 105050G (2018); -- WINNER! Pi Photonics Best Paper Award