Lithographically patterned fiber bundles for in-vivo Raman spectroscopy
Presented at SPIE BiOS, 2022 Proceedings Volume 11953, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment and Environmental Applications XXII; 119530G (2022)
Interference filters deposited on optical fiber tips
.J.B. Barton, S.K. Chanda, S.A. Locknar and G.E. Carver “Interference filters deposited on optical fiber tips”, Proc. SPIE 11889, Optifab 2021, 1188901 (28 October 2021);
Effects of AOI, F/# and Cone Angle on Filter Performance
Learn more about the difference between angle of incidence (AOI) and 1/2 cone angle. They will affect your filter performance. Read more to learn how.
How much OD do you actually need for Flow Cytometry?
In this technical note, we will go through an example of how to determine the blocking level needed in a typical flow-cytometer system.
Ultraviolet Filters- Past and Present
Robert L. Johnson and Sarah Locknar; reprinted from the 2019 issue of Photonics Handbook, Laurin Publishing
Real-Time Detection of Breast Cancer at the Cellular Level
J. Cell. Physiol. 234(5):5413-5419 (2019)
Graded Period Rugates
Proc. SPIE 2046, Inhomogeneous and Quasi-Inhomogeneous Optical Coatings, 147 (November 2, 1993);
Rugate and Discrete Hybrid Filter Designs
Proc. SPIE 3133, Optical Thin Films V: New Developments, 25 (October 1, 1997);
Narrow Band Infrared Filters with Broad Field of View
Proc. SPIE 6206, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII, 62062S (May 18, 2006);
Visible Wavelength Fiber Bragg Grating Arrays for High Speed Biomedical Spectral Sensing
in Advanced Photonics & Renewable Energy, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper BThB5.