Innovation Award accepted by Omega Optical
August 4, 2024, Ayer, MA: Deep Ultra-violet (DUV) Transmission Gratings, especially those which transmit wavelength below 300nm were previously the domain of expensive Etched Fused Silica Gratings. No Longer! Omega Optical has introduced our patent-pending transmissive grating which uniquely transmits wavelengths below 200nm
Omega Optical Ready For Volume Laser Communications Network Deployment
March 23, 2023, Brattleboro, VT - With the growing shift to low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellite communications via free space optical networks, which offer increased bandwidth and security, the Omega Optical divisions of Omega Filters, Spectral Systems, Optometrics, and EMF are ready
Advances in Filter Technology for Multiphoton Microscopy
Proc. SPIE 4262, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences, 48 (April 24, 2001);
Ultra-Narrow Bandpass Filters for Infrared Applications with Improved Angle of Incidence Performance
Proc. SPIE 9822, Advanced Optics for Defense Applications: UV through LWIR, 982211 (May 18, 2016);
Multispectral Endoscopic Imaging Enabled by Mapping Spectral Bands into the Time Domain
Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper FF1A.4;